Saturday, 4 October 2014

Zucchini Slice

I have made zucchini slice for many years now, so quick & easy. The original recipe I used was way too oily but lately I have used this recipe from There are many variations for a zucchini slice, this has become my go to one.

It is ideal for a light lunch served with salad, a warm afternoon snack straight from the oven, post footy training filler or even served cold. I also recently made one in a swiss roll tin as it worked perfectly, a slightly thinner version, to cut into snack sized pieces to take to a working bee at church.

 I have a jug that is an ideal size to mix up the slice in.

Pour into a lined lamington sized tin.

Cooking times vary - check it is cooked through in the centre.

This one I made I cut into pieces, wrapped & popped into the freezer, so quick to grab & heat in microwave for lunch or a snack.

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