Friday, 18 March 2016

Pattern Release - HunnyBunny Basket

When Leesa from SewBox Subscriptions contacted me and asked me if I could design a basket for Easter, maybe with a bunny and chook design, my ideas started flowing. Rather than the more traditional round basket, I went for more of a bag shape which led to other ideas...........

What followed was the HunnyBunny Basket

Simple steps give you the option of a bunny with ears or a cheeky chook.

The basket can be made from any fabric and depending on the thickness of the iron interfacing used, will have a very soft or more structured look. This is a quick sew project too.

I gave some of my sample bags to a friends 3 & 4 year olds and they carried them around for over an hour as they played - a huge hit right there!

This pattern is really versatile, made in pretty floral with a lace trim and you have the ideal basket/bag for a young girl to keep her trinkets or hair ties in.

I can also picture this in bright chook or farm fabrics, ideal as a kitchen tea or housewarming gift filled with treats or even freshly laid eggs from your chooks.

The design lends itself also to a baby shower gift basket, pick some cute baby fabric and fill with some gifts for a new bub.

Pattern is available from my Craftsy store here.

I would love to see any HunnyBunny baskets you make, pop back with some pictures to share.

Until next time,