Monday 21 August 2017

Split 9 Patch Pouch

 These pouches came about when I was pondering how to use up spare squares after I had constructed several of my Urban Charm Tote Bags and Table Runners (pattern release coming soon.)

As several people have asked how I made these pouches, I decided to share a tutorial for anyone interested - always happy to share ideas or designs.

One framed 9 patch square will make two pouches.

All seams 1/4" unless otherwise stated.

Material Needed:
  • 9 x 5" charm squares
  • 6 strips - 1 1/2" wide x 5" long
  • 2 strips - 1 1/2" wide x 16" long
  • zipper (I used a 12" one and cut down)
  • 4 small pieces of fabric (approx 1/12" wide x 2" long) for zipper tabs
  • iron on interfacing or fleece such as Pellon H640 or Pellon (Legacy 971)
  • lining fabric cut to size of trimmed squares (approx 7 5/8" x 7 5/8") - one 20 cm strip will give you lining for both pouches
  • zipper pull if desired
Constructing The Pouch
  1. Lay out the 9 charm squares in a pleasing pattern (note for instruction pouch I was using sample fabrics with only a few colours from a range).
  1. Chain piece the shorter strips to the 9 squares then press.
  1. Add the longer strips between the rows then press.
  2. Cut the framed 9 patch into quarters (I press the piece in half to find the centre of each side)
  1. Trim the squares, cut iron interfacing to size & attach, then quilt as desired.
  1. Zipper - cut off end of zip, sew tab pieces right sides facing zip the fold back, press and trim.
  1. Line up zip with top edge of pouch so tab is sitting 1" in from side edge. Open zipper (so you don't cut tab off!), cut off ends of zip approximately 3/4" in from edge of pouch. Attach tabs, turn, trim and press (you can choose to have shorter or longer tab pieces - I find this size gives a good finish.)
  1. Attach zip to top of pouch - lay zip face down on right side of fabric and sew (you can use a zipper foot if desired, I find my normal foot works well). Note - You can play with which edge of the square you have at the top of the pouch = I choose to lay each side so the frame pieces don't meet on the side or base seams.
  1. Lay lining right sides to other side of zip - you are encasing the zip here between the lining and outer fabric. 
  1. Stitch along each edge. Turn & press.
  2.  Topstitch.
  1. Pin pouch right sides together - outer fabric to outer fabric, lining to lining - ensure you have zip tab folded down towards lining side.
  2. Stitch side seams. Stitch across base of outer pouch. Stitch across base of lining - leave approximately 2 - 3" for turn through.
  3. Cut box corners = cut out 1" corners, measuring from seamlines, not edge of pouch.
  1. Stitch across box corners ( make sure you match up side seams.)
  1. Turn pouch through - pushing out box corners to give crisp finish as well as tab pieces (hint - I find it helps to clip into seam allowance near tab pieces - but don't cut stitching!)
  2. Finish gap where you turned through either by hand using a ladder stitch or on machine close to fold.
  3. Add zipper pull.
  1. Stand back and admire your pouch.
I would love to see any photos of pouches others make.

Until next time,