Crochet has been one craft I have struggled with over the years, despite several attempts to learn, being a leftie has always seemed to be a stumbling block. BUT - last Saturday, I attended a 4 hour class & can now do some basic crochet. Am rather excited & rather impressed that I have achieved a new skill.
When I saw Kim Bradley Creations, my local patchwork store advertising a crochet class, I popped in & asked Kim to check if the teacher would be willing to teach a leftie. Not only was Cath willing, she taught herself to work left handed to ensure she could help me - oh so very thankful for her skill & patience.
Here is Cath getting us started.
We had a choice of yarn & hooks to work with on the day.
Getting started - Cath had thoughtfully provided a mirror for me to use but I found it better just to sit beside her watching.
Finally underway chaining & learning how to wrap the yarn over my hand.
First attempt at double crochet along the chain before we realised I was doing it a bit whole lot wrong, missing a step in the stitch, but really we often learn better from our mistakes......
Finally underway with my first granny square!!!!!!!!
4 hours later & a great sense of achievement.
The lovely Cath even provided us with a needle for sewing in the threads.
Here are a few of the granny squares from the class along with a little bag Cath made to show how we could use ours. Mine may be smaller than the others but I really don't mind as this leftie has mastered a new skill!!!!!!!
So a couple of days later, a reworked chain & double crochet sample & this is where I am up to:
Stay tuned for the finished project.