Saturday, 2 August 2014

Camden Quilt Show

Today Sam & I had an outing to Camden Quilt Show - just the thing on a sunny yet cool winters day.
In spite of a detour to avoid an accident, the Sat Nav deciding to send us in the opposite direction to where we were heading then asking us to turn right into a paddock before deciding it didn't want to communicate with us & our mental picture of where we were going not actually where we were heading, we made it!

 The show was in an old village hall, a wonderful setting for displaying all the quilts.

There were lots of wonderful quilts of a high standard, several stalls to stock up on supplies including our 2 favourites - Fabric Direct & Kim Bradley Creations. 
I also had some yummy homemade pumpkin soup followed by a scone for lunch. 
Here is just a few of the quilts we saw.

We had a great time catching up with Eve and her mum Debbie, the fabulous duo from Fabric Direct. Don't you just love all the deliciousness on their stall, I love buying from their website.

Here are the two quilts Debbie had made for her grand-daughters on display in the show.

We also stopped by Kim Bradley's Creations  (our very own local quilt shop with a stall at the show) to chat to Kim & Dave - I even managed to find some fabric on her stall I missed seeing in the shop when I was there last week.

After shopping, viewing the quilts & our yummy lunch we headed back home - thankfully a much shorter trip than on the way.  The quilt show was well worth the drive in the country (thanks to Sam for driving & discovering the show was on.)

Back to sewing now - still some stitching to do ready for Dreamer's Markets next Saturday. If you're free pop on down to Parramatta Riverside Theatre to say hi.


  1. Hi Robyn, glad you had a great day! I didnt get a chance to head over but spoke to Eve the other day to ask about joining the farmers wife block of the month... im a bit excited having a vaccuum and dusting time tonight and rearranging to be all sparkly and organised!!! Will chat soon xxx :)

    1. You'll love the farmers wife Sharon, Sam is doing that one, the blocks were on display today & are gorgeous. Talk soon. x x

  2. that's who that stand was....Kim Bradley. We found it odd that not many of the stalls had their business names up. She had some lovely fabric and I did score some great patterns from there.

    1. Will let Kim know, good point as I didn't know names of other stalls. Yes, she has some wonderful fabrics......lucky to live close by.
