Friday, 13 February 2015

Sparrows & Caravans

Why the link between Sparrows & Caravans you may ask? It's the beautiful, creative genius from Jenny of Elefantz
Jenny recently posted about Operation Sparrow and invited crafters to join this wonderful opportunity to stitch one of her designs to help the work of the team at Operation Sparrow raise funds to help change a child's life.
 I love this promise from God, so beautifully incorporated in Jenny's design. I chose to do two, one in a rich pink/red & one in a blue tone. They will be heading off to Operation Sparrow next week.

 If you would like to learn more about Operation Sparrow or stitch one of these designs, pop over to Jenny's blog & grab the pattern. She has generously said you can stitch one for yourself as well, or there is an option to do the design using some applique.

 Now, the caravans - I wanted to make some gifts for a friend who had just bought a new caravan using some of this cute caravan fabric & again found my inspiration for the tea towels from a tutorial Jenny had shared on her blog. Go check it out if you are looking for ideas for gifts or to pretty up your kitchen.

I also wanted to make up one of my filigree zippered purses using a 2nd caravan fabric I had found, ideal to keep make up or toiletries in whilst out on the road. These zippers look great on lots of different fabrics, not just the pretty florals. You can find the tutorial for the filigree zippered purses here.

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