Monday, 24 March 2014

Handy Hints

Today:  A helpful preparation tip & keeping things clean.

1. Preparing fabric for cutting.  

When I have a lot of fabric to iron ready for a cutting spree, I have found that using an airing rack is a great way of keeping fabric as crease free as possible before using. It also saves finding a spare flat surface to lay the fabric out on.

2. Cleaning cutting mats & ironing board covers.  

A great way to keep these surfaces clean of all those pesky bits of fluff & threads is to use a bathroom loofah/tulle sponge. I keep mine hanging on a handle under the cutting table in easy reach to rub over my cutting board. I have also found it works well on my ironing board as well.

3. Keeping things clean when using fabrics with an iron on adhesive. 

No Matter how hard I try, I get messy with glue (kind of like poor Linus & the dust cloud in Charlie Brown.) I keep an old ironing board cover (elastic removed) rolled up under the ironing board & just unroll that out over my current cover whenever I am working with glued fabrics. 


  1. Great ideas, now I need a drying rack & to find that unused tulle sponge. I don't use my big ironing board for quilting just two small ones, one next to the sewing machine, 1 next to the cutting table. That may change when I finally make me a bed quilt. Keep the tips coming! xx

    1. Thanks Tracee, appreciate the encouragement, love how we can all share.

  2. All great tips Robyn. Finally got around to stopping by to say Hello. Been busy since Let's Get Stitched. Hugs.......

    1. Thanks, Noela, really enjoyed meeting you & sharing ideas. Blessings

  3. It tends to be purchased in tool shops and home improvement focuses or even on the web.
